



What is Bidtraffic 

is the largest, the oldest and the highest paying "Pay-Per-Click" (or PPC for short)Search Engine Advertising Network. PPC as the name suggests is kind of advertising model where advertiser pays when their ads are clicked. In bidtraffic basically there are two kind of Users "Advertisers" and "Publishers". In simple terms Advertisers are those who advertise their products to bidtraffic and Publishers are those who take that advertisments and promotes them ( Remember if you into earning money from bidtraffic you will be called Publisher and as such will have to create a account as publisher).

Why is it different from other PPC programs 

The beauty of Bidtraffic is it is highly customizable,you have a full control over what to advertise and what not to advertise.You can customize the font color,how many ads will be displayed,background color etc.You can choose the keywords from top 1000 keywords so you can get the maximum amount of bids meaning maximum amount of money can be earned.

However, before learning how to use Bidtraffic, first a very important notice.
  • Only generating traffic is not enough to make money, you need people to click on your ads.
  • Clicks from US, UK, Canada, Australia and Europe will make more money as compare to other parts of the world. A single click from these countries can give you up to 5$ to 6$.

How to use Bidtraffic to make money

Using Bidtraffic is pretty easy but before using it, you need to register, if you haven't register yet you can SIGN UP HERE. Assuming you have registered so let's begin.
The first thing you need to do after you register with Bidtraffic is changing your feed version to VIP+.
As you can see above mine says "VIP+, yours will be "Regular". Dont worry you can easily get a VIP+ feed version with just two steps.
1)  On your account page Click on "Tickets" under "Support" tab. 
2)  Simply write them a ticket telling you need a VIP+ feed version  for your account.
Note: It usually takes 24 hours to change feed verison to VIP+.

 For simplicity's sake, I am dividing Bidtraffic into two categories .ie with blog and without blog.
 WARNING:- Bidtraffic doesn't allow, Blogger or any other kind of free blogs.
NOTE: Bloggers can use both methods of making money with and without a blog.


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